Thursday, October 9, 2008

Enough with Wright and Ayers!

Are we all getting tired of the endless banter about Reverend Wright and Bill Ayers?

I'm way past "tired"!

Especially for a topic that, with a modicum of common sense, can be put to bed in five minutes or less. Let's look at this logically. First, the facts:

1. Senator Obama had a relationship with Reverend Wright for twenty plus years.

2. Senator Obama had a relationship with Bill Ayers for ten plus years.

3. When those relationships were brought to light and examined by the media Senator Obama distanced himself from both as quickly as possible.

I think we can all agree on these three facts.
Senator Obama has offered a variety of versions of what he knew, when he knew and how he knew, but the first rule of A Modicum of Common Sense is "Truth stands on it's own two feet", and his explanations just don't stand up. So, given that we are not being told the truth, we must rely on common sense based on facts. As I see it, it can only play out in one of two ways.

1. Senator Obama knew the truths about Reverend Wright and Bill Ayers,


2. Senator Obama did not know the truths about Reverend Wright and Bill Ayers.

Those are the only options!

If number 1 is true, Senator Obama was privately comfortable with those relationships but was not willing to be associated with them during a presidential election. This raises a serious question of character, honesty and judgment.

If number 2 is true, Senator Obama ranks among the most oblivious people on our little rock and is not the "Eagle Eyes" we want to lead our nation.

It's really that simple!
Now we can move on to more important topics, like, "Will Barney Frank investigate himself"?
I'm guessing "not"!

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