Monday, April 7, 2008

Military Service vs. College Degree

In the article “On Rev. Wright” I took a small swipe at the military:
"Military service is a measure of patriotism.
Every rule has its exceptions, but for the most part: Check!"

Yes, there are those who try to steal the benefits of service with no obligation to actually serve. Oh those pesky wars! These people are their own problems, and beyond saying that they probably don’t keep score at T-Ball, I’ll move on.

This article is about those who serve with honor.

In my humble opinion, a two, four or six year enlistment looks better on a resume than an Associates, Bachelors or Masters degree. I also notice this opinion is catching on in the main stream.
Let’s face it, the T-Ball crowd is gutting our education system. What started so “innocently” in preschool has now spread all the way through high school. It appears that the minimum requirement for graduation from high school is occasional attendance. You don’t actually have to learn anything; you only have to feel good about it!
As a result colleges are dumbing down to accommodate the fresh crops of T-Ballers!
It is VERY possible to complete four years at an “Institution of Higher Learning” and only be marginally qualified for a career in fast foods.
Not to overly bash Colleges! Many of our best and brightest come from “Institutions of Higher Education”. But many of even the best and brightest lack the following important qualities:
The ability to take orders.
The ability to give orders.
The ability to work as a team.
The ability to work alone.
Understand the importance of victory.
Understand the results of defeat.
As a bare minimum any person completing an enlistment will possess these qualities and more! The College of the Americas is available for every enlisted person so they may also educate themselves to any degree they might choose. Any enlisted person that attains a college level education stands head and shoulders above all others!

By my experience, it’s better to hire an attitude and teach a skill than it is to hire a skill and teach an attitude.
The military keeps score at T-Ball!

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