Monday, April 7, 2008

On Civil Unions

This is another great example of a topic that needs a good Whack a Mole session!

Let’s throw some common sense at it. First, let’s start with some facts.

1. Separation of church and state. The federal government is not to endorse or promote the doctrine of any religion.
2. If you are married in any faith, there are usually TWO ceremonies. The one before God (for faith) and the one immediately after where you sign the marriage license (for the government).
3. You can elect to be married only in the eyes of the government. This requires only the presence of a qualified government employee (I have no idea what the qualifications are) and a witness.

If I remember correctly, this issue first came to the forefront when a man, dying of AIDS, was not allowed to be visited by his partner in intensive care. The dying man either had no family, or worse, had no family wanting to share in his life. All he had was his friend, love and partner! It spotlighted the fact that unless you are “family” or “spouse”, there are limitations as to your legal interactions with another person.

Of all the arguments against Civil Unions, the only one with any validity (in my opinion) is “Gods Law” But God is not the government and the government is not God, despite what the Loons Left and Right would wish for!

The government should hold no prejudice over the unions of peoples. The purpose of a civil marriage license is to stop incest, limit the spread of STD’s and (as always) collect taxes.

As I understand the King James Bible, faith based marriage between same sex couples isn’t happening. But, hey, the King James is a version of a version. Why doesn’t someone write a new version! Really! In the King James, the Old Testament is copied from the Torah (minus three chapters that show women as wise, strong and good leaders), and the New Testament is a collection of personal accounts that served the purposes of King James. If you don’t like the Sodom and Gomorrah parts, write your own and start a new religion. They’ve been doing it for centuries.
What I don’t approve of is holding any document (bible, constitution or other) up as THE doctrine, and then saying “except for the parts we don’t like”.
In for a penny, in for a pound.

To make matters worse, the zealots have now raised the bar. Civil unions are not enough! Now it’s marriage or nothing.

Only zealots TRY to offend as many people as possible to advance their agenda!

I wish everyone who cares about gay rights could learn two small lessons:

1. The smallest victory advances your cause. The smallest defeat sets you back.

2. (This is the big one!) The Democratic Party is NOT your friend! Strong words, I know, but here is my proof. From the day that the Democratic Party lost power, there was a daily drumbeat for gay rights. Since the day they regained power the drumbeat stopped. Why?
Why isn’t President Bush forced to veto a gay rights bill every week? If nothing else, it would vilify the Republican Party (Unless he actually signed it). And don’t try to tell me they’ve been too busy! What do they have to lose? I’ll tell you. It’s your vote that they don’t want to lose! If the gay rights community reaches its dream, it will move on to new agendas. Why mess with a good thing?

The Loons De La Left are a stone around your necks and the Loons de la Right are, well, the Loons de la right. Our only hope to advance gay rights is to avoid the Loons and drive up the middle!

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