Wednesday, April 2, 2008

On Rev. Wright

Well, let's get this one put on the table for discussion.
This discussion does not include Senator Obama! He is a separate topic for another day.
I defend Rev. Wright's right of free speech and will defend it with my life. I am however amazed and disturbed that anyone could rise to his level of influence and power while despising the very fabric that enabled him to do so. He doesn't seem too upset about the new house being built for him out of church funds. I have heard two rumors with regards to his new home:
1. It's a $1,000,000.00 plus home.
2. It's in a gated community no where near his old church.
Can anyone please verify the fact or fiction of these claims?

I am "up to here" with people defending his statements and supporting his role as leader in this church.

Let's throw a little common sense at it and see if it still stands up.

For the sake of discussion, let's say that we all have a crazy uncle. We'll call him uncle Bob.
Uncle Bob's a nice guy. He's generous, caring, reliable, but he has a bad habit of reducing any topic to "they're a bunch of fa**ot's and God will burn them in hell". Oh Kay Uncle Bob!
Uncle Bob's a nice guy, and you love him. He is now, and always will be a part of your family.
Do you hold him up as a leader in your family and community?
Do you video tape his grotesque rants and share them with other people?
Do you let him give the toast at your wedding?
Do you expose your children to him as often as possible?

If you agreed with his rant, YES!
If you disagreed, not so much.

I'm also "up to here" with exasperated defenses of:
1. It's being taken out of context.
2. You're taking a few minutes of speech out of a life times work.


I could always edit Uncle Bob's flaming hatred out of the family video!
Unless of course I felt it was OK, or perhaps even shared his beliefs.

I would either shield my family and friends from Uncle Bob (if I disagreed),
or support his speech with something intellectual like "yeah, so what" if I agreed!
I'm not seeing or hearing either from his community.

Help me become a "brighter bulb"!
What does your common sense tell you?


MillyB said...

You may be interested and perhaps surprised (I was) in a column today by Lawrence Korb (former asst. sec'y of Defense for Reagan) and Ian Moss, both Marine vets. If you can't access it online, let me know. It's on p.21, right-hand edge.

Jack said...

The story MillyB is refering to is at:,0,92000.story

The authors work at the following organization:

Give them a look and let me know where your common sense takes you!
Thanks MillyB

Jack said...

After reviewing the article you sent, I would like to throw some common sense at it. OK?
At first blush:
Mr. Wright served in the military.
Military service is a measure of patriotism.
Every rule has its exceptions, but for the most part: Check!
Bush and Cheney did not serve.
Che..... Hold on a second.
Ask the people who booted Dan Rather out of his office about that one. You could say that Bush never served in active duty, but let’s go back to the guys who booted Dan about the "family pull" part.
Beyond that, why are the authors throwing such a selective rock at Bush and Cheney? How many of our "Leaders" never served? A quick visit to the author’s web site (Center for American Progress) clears that right up! Just scroll down the cartoons and you'll get the picture. ZEALOTS de la LEFT! I can’t imagine being so blinded by hate as to defend hate speech! Oh Well, they are their own problems.

Second blush common sense:
I believe that people tell you what you need to know, if you'll just listen. (Another reason I have no use for ZEALOTS, no hearing!)
What does this article tell us?
1. Mr. Wright and / or his parents were doing well enough to send Mr. Wright to college.
2. JFK’s Inaugural Address is one of my favorite speeches of all times! I went back and reread it and invite you to do so as well.

Can anyone illuminate me as to how this speech translates into "drop out of college and join the Marines"?
Remember, I love to learn!
3. Mr. Wright did well enough to directly serve the sitting president.
4. Mr. Wright decided to reenlist and again serve a sitting president.
5. Upon completion of his service Mr. Wright received a very prestigious award for his service.
6. Unless Rev. Wright was a nut, his following college education was underwritten by the G.I. Bill.
7. And the purchase of any home.
8. And his health care.

No wonder he hates America!

As to his patriotism, David Duke also served. Fortunately no one is so filled with hatred as to defend his hate speech.

It’s amazing what you can accomplish with just a little Common Sense!